StartingPoint RecentChanges


figures/directory with graphs and figures
bin/directory with programs
aba toolsI/O scripts
paints/directory with region boundaries
reference atlas/directory with ABA reference atlas
follow the lines/directory with region boundaries which more strictly follow the coordinates derived from the ABA reference atlas, without so many of my subjective corrections
follow the lines plus obvious corrections/follow the lines plus only the most obvious corrections
Mouse.aba.R.coordinate file 369.2007-08-28.23460.coordtry8 caret fiducial coordinate file
Mouse.aba.R.speccaret spec file
Mouse.aba.R.coordinate file 368.2007-08-28.23460.coordtry8 caret raw coord file
Mouse.aba.R.CerebralHull.2007-08-28.BRIKtry8 caret cerebral hill brik file
Mouse.aba.R.CerebralHull.2007-08-28.HEADtry8 caret cerebral hill head file
Mouse.aba.R.CerebralHull.vtkcaret cerebral hull vtk file
Mouse.aba.R.border color file 4.2007-08-27.bordercolortry 8 caret border color file
Mouse.aba.R.border projection file 93.2007-08-28.borderprojtry 8 caret border projection file
Mouse.aba.R.topology file 367.2007-08-28.23460.topotry8 caret closed topology file
[[aba_annotation_ourctx.nii?]]NIFTI ABA cortical annotation volume
Mouse.aba.R.Ellipsoidal.2007-08-28.23460.coordtry8 caret ellipsoidal coord file
Mouse.aba.R.Inflated.2007-08-28.23460.coordtry8 caret Inflated coord file
Mouse.aba.R.VeryInflated.2007-08-28.23460.coordtry8 caret VeryInflated? coord file
Mouse.aba.R.Spherical.2007-08-28.23460.coordtry8 caret Spherical coord file
Mouse.aba.R.border file 96.2007-08-28.bordertry8 caret Inflated border file
Mouse.aba.R.border file 97.2007-08-28.bordertry8 caret VeryInflated? border file
Mouse.aba.R.border file 98.2007-08-28.bordertry8 caret Spherical border file
Mouse.aba.R.border file 99.2007-08-28.bordertry8 caret ellipsoidal border file
Mouse.aba.R.metricfile 119.2007-08-28.23460.metrictry8 caret metric file
composite try8 gs 2200 10000 100 1100 500 500.metricsurface-mapped gene expression data file
Mouse.aba.R.paint file 20.2007-08-28.23460.painttry8 paint file
paint.txtpaint file (hand-edited so that it can be read into matlab)
paint names.txtnames corresponding to numbered areas in paint.txt
[[my_griddata.m?]]custom version of Octave's "griddata" command which replaces the call to "dsearch" with a call to "my_dsearch"
[[my_dsearch.m?]]Octave doesn't provide dsearch, so here's a simple version of it