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Directory with programs

overlay_red_onto_grayscale takes two images, a grayscale and a binary, and overlays the binary one as red
overlay_red_border_onto_grayscale takes two images, a grayscale and a region, and overlays the border of the region as red
write_nifti_file given a header struct and a data matrix, writes a NIFTI file to disk
aba_raster_to_nifti_file takes a raster (in ABA coordinates) and writes it as a NIFTI file (in LPI orientation)
sva_to_masked_nifti_volume takes the path to an ABA .sva file, and a mask, and creates a NIFTI file for each hemisphere (left hemisphere commented out) (in progress)
aba_sva_directory_to_masked_nifti_volumes takes the path to a directory full of .svas, and a right hemisphere mask, and (1) creates a full brain mask by mirroring the right hemisphere mask, (2) iterates through ABA .sva files in the given directory, running sva_to_masked_nifti_volume on them (in progress)
createOurAbaCorticalMask creates a custom, contiguous mask of those ABA voxels coming from those brain areas that we are interested in (i.e. what we deem "cortex") (in progress)
load_sva loads an ABA .sva file
load_sva_as_raster loads an ABA .sva file as a raster (i.e. the full space is a matrix, rather than a sparse list of occupied voxels)