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reference atlas

area codes.txt
coronal/directory with coronal ABA reference atlas jpgs. The jpgs are named for their "depth" in the ABA. The file depths.txt converts "depths" to mm. Also, for each section X.jpg, a file X.txt which contains the results of using ImageJ to record the coordinates of the boundaries between cortical regions. Other coordinates are also in those files when the a region boundary was sufficiently curved (i.e. so by drawing lines between the coordinates in those files, you should get a good approximation of the region boundaries). The file labels.txt labels each of these line segments according to the area to which it belongs.
sagittal/directory; like "coronal/", above, but sagittal.
[[savedImageJMeasurementsToBorderFile.m?]]the main program to convert the saved ImageJ measurements into a Caret5 border file